Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tips to Find the Fragrance Close to Your Nature

When it comes to choosing a signature fragrance there are some tips that should be followed to make the best choice.
  • First of all do not buy anything in haste. You will later regret about that. Since, perfumes have different scents throughout hours. A pure perfume passes 3 stages: the first one is the scent that comes right on the moment you use the perfume and it may last for 30 minutes at least. Later it changes its scent by mixing with your natural body scent. And only several hours later you can smell the real scent of a perfume. So take some time to pass all these stages. You can also leave the shop and see how the perfume works on you outside. It will get another tone when outside, see how it reacts to the heat. If the scent still continues to attract you then go ahead to buy it. If you have doubts, do not hesitate to leave without a purchase and come back the following day to double check.
  • Also if you are testing several perfumes at a time you can get the wrong impression. Having tried more than 3 scents you will get messy and unable to judge any more. Most shops offer coffee beans to neutralize all the previous scents and go on with testing again. Keep a handful of the beans. Nevertheless, it’s preferable that you do not mix different scents at a time. Keep to testing those scents that belong to the same scent tone. This way you will not leave the shop with a terrible headache.
  • It’s also important to know the different types of perfumes to determine which ones to choose. Ranked from the strongest to the lightest, there is Parfum, Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette, Eau de Cologne and perfume mist. Parfum is the strongest and richest one and has a more longevity, while Eau de Toilette is the most commonly used one. Keep in mind that Parfum is much more expensive than Eau de Toilette and it usually comes in a smaller bottle: you need to apply just a small portion of it and you will certainly smell good throughout the day. It’s recommended to have one Parfum for special occasions, and some lighter Eua de Toilettes for everyday wear, as the latter is much more affordable.
  • Another tip to bear in mind, is – never tend to get the same fragrance as your friend or colleague is using. Of course, you may like it very much, but you do not know if it is the right one for you. Perfumes smell differently on different people, due to their natural body scent. Use the perfume on such areas where the blood flow is abundant, on your wrist or neck and wait for some time. If you think you like the scent then, hurry to obtain it.
  • Another important aspect in the choice of fragrance is the popularity of a fragrance. Today’s fragrance houses release series of fragrances each season. You hear famous brands, such as Gucci, Christian Dior, and Chanel and feel them on other people all around you and cannot stand the temptation. However, taste them for several times and see if you need those fragrances. If not, stick to the ones you are used to. People, who have got used to your permanent fragrances, imagine you the way you are. A bad choice will create another impression.
Study a scent thoroughly before making it your signature scent, since the latter is going to tell much about you. It creates a special aura around you. If you do not need being isolated, think twice before choosing a perfume. Build your own scent and let people associate you with the tasty and fresh lavender, rose or vanilla tastes of your perfume.

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