Thursday, September 20, 2012

Beauty Tips : Do you ever beaten at home?

Do you get beaten by your partner and you do not want friends, family or colleagues to know? Mysecrets Cosmetics brings a new cosmetics line on the market that helps to camouflage visible injuries and confidential.
Every year  has  more than 60,0000 women were beaten. Often the good but sometimes unpleasant consequences domestic violence. Of bruises on my arms and neck, to open wounds or abrasions. The products of these injuries mysecrets Cosmetics, women are now almost perfect elimination. Cosmetics mysecrets with what remains secret really secret.
Cleaning, camouflage and disguise with mysecrets Cosmetics
Step 1: Cleansing
Cosmetics mysecrets sterilizing Moisture provides a perfect base. The moisture removes stubborn blood remains and provides a clean and smooth skin.
Step 2: Cloaking
Mysecrets Cosmetics Cover Cream can be used as a foundation so
bruises, bruises and superficial wounds are no longer visible. The coverage is optimal, while the skin tone there continues to look completely natural. Choose the Cover Cream that best fits the skin: light, medium, and dark tint.
Step 3: Concealing
Mysecrets Glue & Gloss helps broken and damaged lips again attractive to display. Provides cosmetic bonding and gives a lovely deep shine. Black & Blue Eyeshadow makes a black eye an exciting catwalk look. A special eye shadow used to be a black eye into beautiful ‘smokey eyes’.

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